So I have 8 weeks until Xmas and then there are 13 (ha!!) weeks until Brexit. Now it’s quite possible that something will intervene and, like a terrible movie where they stop the bomb with 2 seconds left on the clock, Brexit won’t go ahead. However, I have no faith that this is likely. Instead…
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Learning to be a business analyst
It’s no secret that Brexit scares me witless. I have been applying for roles in Irish academia and the health sector since the referendum was announced. with less than 6 months to go I’m now more petrified than ever. My only hope now is to make sure that I’m seen as qualified for a high…
Read MoreExam revision
More PRINCE2 exam revision. I tried another exam paper. Got 72% which is well over the 55% that I need. I’m still struggling to define and use project assurance though. Other questions are like “What the hell was I thinking!!” on review! And there are still management products that I’m not sure are real (or…
Read MoreRevising for PRINCE2 exam – Starting up a project
I’m currently preparing for my PRINCE2 exams. I’ve booked the foundation exam for next weekend and I need to get the Practitioner exam completed by the end of July. I’m finding the foundation exam really difficult to prepare for because it is all about knowing the content of the manual. I’m not a details person…
Read MoreWhat is coaching?
Coaching is support for self directed learning. A coach believes that the coachee has the capacity to find their own answers, a coach’s job is to create a space and a structure where good thinking and learning can happen. It’s not therapy, although it can feel therapeutic. It’s about setting goals and intentions for the…
Read MoreThree sources of writing inspiration
I basically have two weeks to reboot my dissertation – two weeks to get something (anything) onto paper and get it out of the door. (Eventually I’ll share the story of why I don’t have a dissertation with only six week to submission!) In my panic, I’m taking amoment to remind myself of the writing…
Read MoreLet’s create a blog post with a super dooper uber long title. I wonder if that’s enough to force a wrap
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pancetta biltong shankle tail pastrami. Ham hock tenderloin andouille, porchetta filet mignon meatball tail strip steak salami cupim ribeye sirloin. Ground round ham spare ribs boudin. Capicola jerky flank, doner spare ribs ground round shank. Cow venison fatback, salami frankfurter prosciutto short ribs. Boudin biltong rump, flank meatball bresaola pig pork…
Read MoreWriting a blog post
Very excited to get started. No idea why I appear to have a hanging indent. And I’m not sure I can be bothered to write enough to find out why it’s doing that. Not hanging. Just some kind of padding
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