CW: grief and death. This crisis has been very informative of what employers really think about their staff. I think we need to try and treat this period of lock down and social distancing as a hibernation: a chance to withdraw and quietly consider possibilities. Now I know that most of us are going to…
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Gasping for air
It’s the last day of the holidays. The day has vanished under the weight of of last minute homework, bag packing, laundry and tidying away Christmas. Alongside a heavy dose of the Sunday night fear for 50% of us. The day has also vanished under a chorus of “mum” “mum” “mum” “mum” “mum” “mum” peppered…
Read MoreWorking with a coach is hard
Sometimes working with a coach is hard. This morning my husband was a royal pain in the butt, in that way only someone you’ve spent nearly 20 years with can be. I was angry but then I asked myself about the story I was telling myself. I was definitely, absolutely, 100% right and he was…
Read MoreAn elevator pitch
Oh hi. So what do you do? Hi, my name’s Maxine and I’m a coach Oh wow, lovely, who’s your target market? I work with brilliant women in academia who are ready to take the next step [eyes dart nervously around the room, voice lowers to a whisper] actually I’m on a secret mission to…
Read MoreClean language coaching
My favourite way to coach is to work with the metaphors and narratives we carry with us and through which we experience our lives. It feels creative, working with the more abstract side of our thinking. I don’t seek to smash stories down and rebuild new ones in their place. I prefer to shine a…
Read MoreExam revision
More PRINCE2 exam revision. I tried another exam paper. Got 72% which is well over the 55% that I need. I’m still struggling to define and use project assurance though. Other questions are like “What the hell was I thinking!!” on review! And there are still management products that I’m not sure are real (or…
Read MoreLet’s create a blog post with a super dooper uber long title. I wonder if that’s enough to force a wrap
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pancetta biltong shankle tail pastrami. Ham hock tenderloin andouille, porchetta filet mignon meatball tail strip steak salami cupim ribeye sirloin. Ground round ham spare ribs boudin. Capicola jerky flank, doner spare ribs ground round shank. Cow venison fatback, salami frankfurter prosciutto short ribs. Boudin biltong rump, flank meatball bresaola pig pork…
Read MoreWriting a blog post
Very excited to get started. No idea why I appear to have a hanging indent. And I’m not sure I can be bothered to write enough to find out why it’s doing that. Not hanging. Just some kind of padding
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